This year is shaping up to be a big one for mobile games, with a number of long-anticipated titles set to be released at last and more studios than ever trying to push the capabilities of the latest devices to the limit. Everyone's got their own wish list, so here's our run-down of the mobile games we're looking forward to most - and if you don't own a current-generation
mobile phone, it may be worth investing in one just to play some of these titles!
Infinity Blade: Dungeons (iOS)
The prequel to the biggest iOS franchise ever is looking great - and from the
trailer, it looks set to have a more Diablo/Torchlight-esque feel to the gameplay than the previous games. Sadly the game's development is currently on hold after Impossible Studios was axed, but this is definitely one worth waiting for.
BadLand (iOS)
The lovely-looking BadLand has shades of Limbo in both its artistic and gameplay style, but interestingly it's offering multiplayer support for up to four people. Described as a side-scrolling, physics-based puzzle/racing platformer, it's packing a lot into one game, and the
first multiplayer trailer promises frantic screen-tapping action.
Assassin's Creed: Utopia (iOS, Android)
If you wondered how the building-leaping action of Assassin's Creed will play out on a mobile, don't: this looks like it'll be more of a city-building game set in colonial America. There will still be plenty of battles mixed in with the Sim City-ish gameplay, though. It's an unusual direction for the series and it'll be interesting to see whether it works.
Year Walk (iOS)
In Sweden, apparently it's traditional to take a long walk on New Year's Day in the hope of divining the future. It's a strange premise for a game, but this 2D adventure is already looking as beautiful as it is mysterious, and promises a mix of adventure, horror and "interactive art".
Check out the trailer for a closer look at this spooky, folklore-infused title.
Double Fine Adventure (iOS, Android)
Anything by Tim Schafer, the man behind some of the world's best-loved adventure games (Monkey Island, Grim Fandango, Day of the Tentacle) is definitely worth waiting for, and this Kickstarter project attracted over $3 million of fan backing in just a few short months. Details on the game itself are still sketchy, but it's hard not to be excited by a new Double Fine game.
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