Facebook is the number one social networking website and it is also the favourite of crores of people around the world. Everyone has his/her profile on facebook and have friends on facebook.
Facebook notifications are the way of getting informed about changes or new comments or likes on your or your friend’s photos or comments. But sometime these notifications on facebook disturb us a lot. One of our friend updates his/her status or tags a new photo of you, then you comment on that status or photo and you start receiving notifications every time a new comment or new like happens on that status or photo.
It happens with lots of people that you don’t want to get notification for new comment or like from a status or photo on which you have already commented. After commenting on a status or a photo your profile gets linked to that and you receive notifications each time a new comment or a new like happens there.
Earlier it was not possible to stop such type of notifications but now it is possible on facebook. Facebook developers are changing facebook.com and trying to make it friendlier to its users. Facebook developers try to resolve any new problem that most of the users faces.
You can stop receiving notification of a status or a photo without changing your notification settings.
Yes, now you can stop receiving notifications from status updates and photos that are followed by you.
Facebook notifications are the way of getting informed about changes or new comments or likes on your or your friend’s photos or comments. But sometime these notifications on facebook disturb us a lot. One of our friend updates his/her status or tags a new photo of you, then you comment on that status or photo and you start receiving notifications every time a new comment or new like happens on that status or photo.
It happens with lots of people that you don’t want to get notification for new comment or like from a status or photo on which you have already commented. After commenting on a status or a photo your profile gets linked to that and you receive notifications each time a new comment or a new like happens there.
Earlier it was not possible to stop such type of notifications but now it is possible on facebook. Facebook developers are changing facebook.com and trying to make it friendlier to its users. Facebook developers try to resolve any new problem that most of the users faces.
You can stop receiving notification of a status or a photo without changing your notification settings.
Yes, now you can stop receiving notifications from status updates and photos that are followed by you.
Steps To Stop Notifications from a Followed Status on Facebook:
- Open the status of which you are getting notifications and now you want to stop receiving further notifications.
- Click on the Unfollow Post button next to comment button below the status.
- That’s it, now you will never receive further notifications from this status update.
Steps To Stop Notifications from a followed or Tagged Photo on Facebook:
This was a very simple Facebook Trick and you don’t need to change your notification settings for this. Enjoy facebooking.
It is really helpful article please read it too my blog Turn off notifications on Facebook