Youtube is the one of the Top most website for watching videos online. It has millions of videos with people watching from all around the world. Youtube has many interesting and advanced features like subscriptions, Channels, Search filters, Personal accounts and lot more.... Even lot of people used to learn many things from the online tutorials. Youtube even allows the people to Earn Money by displaying ads.
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You can see Two Types of Ads on Youtube:
1.Google Ads:
As you know Google Adsense is one of the best advertising program.As youtube is owned by Google,Google adsense are the primary ads that you see on Youtube.
2.Video Ads:
These ads are again of two types.
1.Skippable Ads:We can skip these ads after 5 seconds. Though these adds are of 20-30 second duration you can skip the ad after watching it for 5 seconds. These are bit tolerable.
2.Non-Skippable ads:The complete duration of these ads will be 30 seconds and the viewers have to wait the complete, 30 seconds to watch the Original video. These ads are always boring to watch. None can tolerate these ads.
Whenever, I wish to see my favourite videos on YouTube these video-ads appear before the video song and sets my mood off. So I tried to figure out the solution for skipping these ads and found the following ways.
Steps To Skip These Annoying Ads on Youtube:
1.Ad-Block Plus[Highly Recommended]:
This is an awesome extension which automatically skips the ads and plays the Original video. Go to [Adblock Plus] and click Green coloured install button there and allow the extension to add with your browser.
Features of this Extension:
This is available for various browsers especially Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.
This Extension not only blocks youtube ads but also block ads on all the websites.
2.Youtube Ads Free For Opera Browser:
Go to [YouTube AdsFree] and install it with your opera browser and it will skip the ad and gives you let you to watch the Original video.
3. Telly – Another extension for Chrome:-
In the first two cases the extensions automatically skips the ads.But [Telly] extension adds a blue play button symbol on top of the image. That can be used to skip the ads at any time you wish. Even if you are in middle of the add you can click the skip button and you will be redirected to the video instantly.
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Sai Charan
About the Guest Author:
Sai Charan a passionate blogger who enjoys writing articles on Computer Tricks,Facebook Tricks,Tech Updates etc.He is our Gold Star Contributor and co-author of AllTechBuzz.He Blogs at Tech Glitter.
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