How I Manage to Maintain my Blogs Rankings/Traffic even after many Google Updates?

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Google keeps on updating their algorithm several times every month.Most of the time it is Panda and rarely it is penguin and might be the latest HummingBird Algorithm.Every blog on the Internet will be effected with these updates if not all updates it will get effected with at least one of them.
Very rarely you have a positive impact and most of the time you notice a negative impact if you are a regular blogger.These updates will either favour big news websites or favour new and fresh blogs.So if you are blogging since few months or years then mostly these updates are likely to have a negative impact on your site.
In spite of the several updates still All Tech Buzz and my other blogs rankings are growing day by day.That doesn't mean that my website is not penalised in the recent updates.There are several times when All Tech Buzz is badly penalised.There are days when traffic fell from 6000 to 200.Despite all these updates I am still able to manage to recover my traffic and boost my rankings day by day.So how is this possible?
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