How to Recover from Google Panda Effect

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Google Panda is one of the most discussed SEO Topics of 2011 and 2012.If you are new here "Google Panda is an Algorithm introduced by Google to improve search results quality".

What is Google Panda?

As I previously said Google Panda is an Algorithm introduced to improve search results.No doubt these algorithm definitely increased search quality results but for most of them this algorithm left tears in vain.Basically Google Panda is a domain level penalty,so if you blog has few bad posts then it will effect the whole blog like "one bad apple spoiling the whole bunch".I will be explaining how to get rid of this low quality content read on......

How to Identify if your site got effected with this Update?

As soon as the update rolled out you will either notice an increase in traffic ,decrease in traffic or no change in traffic.
  • No Change in Traffic:It means you didn't either loose or gain in this update and should be aware of the future updates.
  • Increase in Traffic:Increase in traffic shows that you are blessed by Google in this update.That means you are doing well as of now cheers :).
  • Decrease in Traffic:This is the most worried aspect.If your traffic decreased then you are one of the victim in this update and should work on recovery process.

What Kind of Websites get affected with Google Panda Algo?

  1. Websites with Low Quality Content(Often discussed as Thin Content).
  2. Websites which work as content farm.
  3. Websites with useless pages indexed in Google.
  4.  Websites with many advertisements(Especially Above the Fold).
  5. Websites with no proper design and SEO structure.
  6. Websites/Blogs which are not updated for a very long time.
  7. Websites with outdated articles.

How to Recover from Google Panda Update:

Honestly speaking its very easy to recover from Google Panda Effect.I am one of the victim of these Google Algorithm's.As soon as my site gets affected with these Algos I start working from that day and will mostly recover within a week(maximum a month).

1.Remove Low Quality Content from Google:

This is the first and primary step you have to do as soon as you are hit by Panda.Writing low quality content is like inviting Panda.Many web masters are not aware of Low Quality content.

    2.Fix all Broken Links:

    Broken links are one of the major issue of every website.Broken links not only effect blog SEO but also use experience.These links leaves the visitors with a 404 error page annoying the visitors who was searching for some useful data.
    • I personally use Xenu Tool to fix broken links and I recommend you the same.

    3.Get Rid of Duplicate Content and Duplicate Meta Tags:

    Duplicate content is another major issue.Sometimes web masters write same kind of update in multiple posts like "Google Panda Update 20" "Google Panda Update 21" and give same Meta Description and Keywords.Though both are different but contains almost same keywords in the title.This makes them look like Duplicate content in the eyes of Google.
    So you have to either adapt different titles for both the posts or write all the updates in a single post.For more info refer my article on How to remove low quality content.

    4.Remove Spammy and Unwanted Comments:

    • Only accept genuine comments on your blog.
    • Don't force others to comment on your blog just to increase comments count.
    • Allow only comments that add value to your post.
    • Good comments always add fuel to your post and thereby boosts your rank.
    • At the same time a spammy comments can harm your whole blog.
    • Also Read:Best Commenting System for Blogs.

    5.Split content into Categories:

    Now this is also a very important aspect that you have to implement on your website.If you have a blog or website,you write content on different topics like Gadgets,Blogging,Making Money Online etc.Then Split your content into categories.
    • Give proper label for each category.
    • Don't give more than three labels for each Category.
    • If you have already messed up your blog with many labels the its time for you to wake up and give proper and limited number of labels to each post.
    • If you implement the above mentioned steps then you will definitely notice a boost in your traffic.

    6.Remove Unwanted Advertisements:

    I see many people fill their blogs with lot of advertisements.Its wise to make 1000$ from only two Advertisements than 800$ from 5 Advertisements.
    • User experience is very important scenario in SEO.
    • If you annoy the visitor then he/she might not be sharing your content and wont visit your blog next time.To build an authoritative site referral traffic plays a key role.
    • Remove all unwanted ads especially ads above the fold.Google also introduced Page Layout Algorithm which penalises websites with more ads above the fold.Though CTR will be high for ads above the fold it will effect your blog traffic.
    • Don't use more than Two Ads above the fold.I prefer only one ad above the fold as I give more importance for my visitors.

    7.Avoid Keyword Stuffing:

    Keyword Stuffing was one of the mostly used method to rank well in Google.After wise Google Algorithm Updates google has thrown axe on all the spammers who used to rank high by keyword stuffing.I don't say you to stop keyword research but I suggest you to do it properly without interfering with user experience.
    • If you are new to Keywords then you should refer my post on Keyword Research Guide for Bloggers.
    • Use not more than 3-4 keywords in your title.
    • If your blog is new then focus on Long Tail Keywords.
    • Use more number different keywords in your post.Spin the keywords.
    For example if you are writing a post on How To Make Money Online then don't use the same word repeatedly instead use earn money,make extra income,money making from home etc.Using different words not only keeps away from Panda but also gives good user experience.

    8.Site Design: 

    Maintain a clean,easily navigable site design.I find many web masters using a lot of scripts to make their website look attractive.Such kind of sites takes hell lot of time to load and makes navigation cumbersome.Having a attractive site design is good but not at the cost of user experience.
    • Use a clean site design.
    • Put a menu bar for easy navigation.
    • Have atleast one search bar on your blog.
    • Easy social sharing buttons.
    • Good subscription box at proper place.

    9.Active Social Media Presence:

    Social media is the largest source of Referral Traffic.A blog must have good referral traffic to establish as brand.Be active on Social Networking sites like Facebook,Stumbleupon and Google+.After introducing G+,Google is allowing us to link our website with our Google Plus profile.New features like Google Authorship,Author Rank are associated with Google Plus.So be active on Google+.

    10.Write a Reconsideration:

    This is the last thing you have to do after you have done with all the above mentioned steps.There are cases where google pulled out penalty on few websites.So its worth writing a reconsideration.
    • Write a Reconsideration [Link].

    Check out Matt Cutts Advice on Panda Recovery:

    In a Nutshell:

    If you are hit by Google Panda then follow the below simple steps:
    1. Remove low quality content.
    2. Fix broken links.
    3. Write quality content.
    4. Remove unwanted Ads.
    5. Avoid Keyword Stuffing.
    6. Don't buy or sell links.
    7. No Index unwanted achieve pages.
    8. Remove Spammy and unwanted comments.
    9. Remove Duplicate Content and Duplicate Meta Tags.
    10. Write a reconsideration.

    Surveys says that 68% of Web Masters cant recover from Google Panda Penalty:

    A lot of surveys came out after the breach of Google Panda.Google is releasing a new panda update every month.So every website will get hit by these panda updates today or some other day.But 68% of them say that they cannot completely recover from Google Panda Penalty.Though 68% say they cant recover we have to look at the 20% people who have completely recovered from the Panda Penalty.
    If others can recover you can recover too.


    Always focus on Quality not Quantity.User experience is the primary aspect which you have to focus on.Every blog will get hit by this algorithm updates now or some other day.Don't panic stay cool and work on to provide quality content to readers.If you had a hit then the above mentioned steps will recover your website completely.

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