What Is The Best Commenting System For Blogger Blogs?

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The default commenting system of Blogger Blogs is not a user friendly commenting system and normal people will hesitate to comment on your post if you are using default blogger commenting system.So what is the better alternative to default Blogger Commenting System?

Third Party Commenting System:

If you want to get more comments on your blog post then you can opt for third party commenting system.There are many third party commenting system available for blogger blogs like Intense Debate,Facebook Commenting System ,Disqus etc.

Why You should use Third Party Commenting System?

Every blogger who is blogging on blogspot platform should shift to Third Party commenting system as soon as possible or else you are going to loose valuable comments and traffic.
  • More Comments More Traffic-This is the new SEO Strategy:Yes you you heard right.The more comments you get the more boost you get in search engine ranking.It looks like after Penguin and Panda Updates google is giving more priority to words.The articles with more words are ranking higher on google than articles with fewer words.
  • So Should You Write Articles With More Words?-Answer is No.Articles with more words annoys readers and your readers will loose interest in reading the whole article.So the wise idea is to write a article with decent number of words i.e 500-700 words and get more comments on your article.Comments will also be considered as words for your articles,so the more comments you get greater will be your rank in search engines.

Best Third Party Commenting System for your Blog:

You have to choose better commenting system for your blog depending upon your blog niche.I would suggest some of the best comment systems keep reading......

Disqus(Highly Recommended):

Disqus is the Best Third Party Commenting System as of now for blogger blogs.You can remove it whenever you want to and you will not loose any of your previous existing comments as Disqus syncs its comments with the default commenting system of blogger which is one of the great feature of Disqus.Disqus not only syncs the comments but also imports all the existing comments on your blog to Disqus comments,so that you wont loose any of your existing comments.Currently this blog is also running disqus commenting system.
  • Cons Of Disqus:The only disadvantage is that it takes more time to load and thereby increases the loading time of your blog.However as visitors read the content first and then scroll down to read or leave a comment,in this period of time the comments get fully loaded.After Disqus 2012 has introduced the loading time has reduced to a great extent.

Facebook Commenting System:

If you have a very large number of facebook fans then I strongly recommend you to go for facebook commenting system.This doubles your traffic.Whenever a person comments on your blog using his facebook profile then a notification will be sent to all his friends that the person commented on your blog.Use it only if you have a very large number of facebook fans(say 5000+) or else keep reading.

Intense Debate:

Intense Debate is the best commenting system for blogger blogs to get more comments.Intense Debate is a very good third party commenting system and doesn't takes much time to load.It has a very user friendly interface and you will see a very great improvement in your comment count after you moved to Intense Debate.Intense Debate offers many additional inbuilt plugins like comment luv which encourages readers to leave more comments on your blog.

Should you use Third Party commenting system or not?

Previously Disqus and  Facebook comments didn't get indexed in Google,which was one of the big drawback of Blogger Search Engine Optimization.But after Blogger SEO has introduced all the Third Party comments especially Disqus and Facebook comments are perfectly indexed in Google.I strongly recommend you to move to Disqus or Facebook Commenting system to boost the number of comments thereby boosting search engine ranking as well.

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