Cool Facebook Chat Tricks

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After a huge collection of Facebook Tricks here we are with some more Facebook Chat Tricks.If you missed out previous Facebook Tricks follow the below links.

Check Who is Online being Offline:

It becomes difficult to check who is online when we are offline.But now there is a handy application using which you can check who are online by staying offline.
Application Used:Online Now.

Get Facebook Chat List On Your Desktop:

This is seperate application,Which is not connected to any browser. using this you can have a seperate windows on desktop for facebook chat.Download Gabtastik.

Use Different Text Styles In Facebook Chat:

Instead of using normal default text in facebook. Now you can use different text styles and impress your loved ones...!
Go to Name funky and select any of the text style you want from the there. Type your text in the top most box there and copy the text and use it in your chat box .
Have fun.

Add Dislike & Middle Finger Emoticon in Facebook Chat:

You can use funny symbols which you use in real life in Facebook chat.Check the below image to show Middle finger , Dislike emotions.

Create your own Pictures and Insert in Facebook Chat:

Go Offline for a Particular Friend:

This is a recent Facebook Update by facebook.Instead of going offline to all the friends now you can go offline to a particular person whom you want to avoid to chat with.

Facebook Chat Smileys and Emotions:

Now you can directly insert chat emotions from your chat box.

Below is the full list of Facebook Chat Smileys and Emotions:

Add facebook chat side bar to your Mozilla Firefox Browser:

  • Open mozilla firefox browser and press alt key .
  • Select bookmarks and select "show all bookmarks "
  • A box will open from that select unsorted bookmarks > organise >  new bookmark.
  • Again a box will open in that type " facebookchat " in first boxand type " " in second box . click on load this bookmark >add.
  • Now again press alt key > view > side bar > bookmarks>
  • Now select facebook chat from the bookmarks in slide bar...that's it..done.

      Use Text Upsidedown:

      Just go to upsidedowntext and type your text in the input box and copy the text from there and paste in in your chat box and make your chating more intresting.

      Chat On Facebook From Mobile:

      Normaly there wont be any chat option for normaly mobile web browsers but using the apps liks ebuddy, Nimbuzz you can chat even from mobile.
      If we missed out any let us know in your comments, we want to make a collection of all Facebook Chat Tricks.
      Sai Charan
      About the Guest Author:

      Sai Charan a passionate blogger who enjoys writing articles on Computer Tricks,Facebook Tricks,Tech Updates etc.He is our Gold Star Contributor and co-author of AllTechBuzz.He Blogs at Tech Glitter.


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