Utorrent is the best light weight Torrent Software to download various files from Torrent.In this tutorial we will tweak the default utorrent settings and make the download faster.If you have a good IDM(Internet Download Manager speed) then you can download torrent files with idm.
2.Go to Options->Preference
3.Go to connection and do the following settings
4.Go to Bandwidth and follow the settings
5.Then go to Bittorrent and follow the settings
6.Then go to Queueing and do the following settings
7.Then click on Advanced and follow the settings
8.Now set your bandwidth high when you are downloading any file
Note:Please note that your torrent download speed doesnt exceed your bandwidth.These settings will help you when you are download torrent files with less seeds and peers.
Steps to Tweak Utorrent Settings:
1.Open your utorrent :4.Go to Bandwidth and follow the settings
5.Then go to Bittorrent and follow the settings
6.Then go to Queueing and do the following settings
7.Then click on Advanced and follow the settings
8.Now set your bandwidth high when you are downloading any file
Please Note:Go to speedtest.net and take a test of your Internet Speed.If your net speed is 1Mbps then follow these calculations.
- 1Mbps = 1024Kbps.Similarly 2Mbps = 2*1024=2048Kbps.
- But all our downloads will be in KBPS.
- Here you must understand the basic difference between Kbps and KBPS.Kbps-Kilo Bits Per Second.KBPS-Kilo Bytes Per Second.
- 8 Bits = 1Byte.
- So ,if your torrent download speed is 1Mbps(According to speedtest.net) which is equal to 1024 Kbps.You should divide this by 8 to convert it into KBPS(Kilo Bytes).
- So 1024/8 =128.
- Which means if your net speed is 1Mbps then your download speed should be in between 120-130KBPS not more than that.
- So,if you are getting that speed then you must be happy.Your download speed cannot exceed your bandwith.Cheers :)
- Must Read:How to Download Torrent Files with IDM.